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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mobile Marketing Exposed - Can You Make Money Targeting Smartphone Users?

Mobile Marketing Exposed is developed by Simon Hodgkinson and Jeremy Gislason, whom are very experienced online marketers and has been making money from creating advertising campaigns to smart phone users. This is a market with huge potential that is growing much bigger every day.

That's where mobile marketing comes in. Mobile marketing enables companies in many sectors such as travel and retail to send promotional messages and vouchers via Bluetooth and SMS for example. A direct, targeted approach to connecting with limitless clients.

What is Mobile Marketing Exposed?

Mobile Marketing Exposed is a new form of marketing targeted for mobile devices such as mobile phones and other hand-held devices. It is categorized under the same form of marketing as road shows and billboards.

Mobile marketing involves several types of advertising techniques, the most common being marketing through the use of SMS. Another one of the benefits of mobile marketing is that it is more likely to work more than traditional marketing due to its nature.

In mobile marketing, people have to opt-in to a subscription to get marketing messages. What this entails is that you only get to send messages to people who are actually interested and have a high probability of buying your product.

Today, people have become over-saturated with the traditional forms of marketing messages in the form of advertisements, telemarketing, and email spam, to the point that they are not that much effective anymore.

Mobile marketing are relatively much cheaper than these aforementioned traditional promotional campaigns and you can totally control who will receive these marketing messages since they are targeted. This way, what you will spend on a marketing campaign will not be wasted.

Mobile Marketing Exposed Key Parts:

* You'll learn the secrets to understanding the people that make up this marketplace and more importantly, how they think.

* How to leverage and exploit all the benefits of mobile marketing.

* Step by step "secret" formula for creating a 100% compatible mobile site from scratch.

* How to use automated mobile site building tools that will cut your production time down drastically.

* How to leverage the power of WordPress and use it with a mobile website for quick and easy site creation.

* The secrets to using "mobile SEO" to promote your mobile sites.

* Leveraging the power of Google site maps to create a mobile site map that Google will accept into their system.

* How to market your mobile site to the millions of iPhone users with iPhone applications.

This is a proven business blueprint for serious marketers. If you're one of those people who simply buy courses and do nothing with them except let them sit and collect dust that we beg you not to think about this course.

This course is for action takers. It's for people who can follow a simple set of step-by-step instructions, to ultimately earn the type of lifestyle that only a few lucky individuals will ever see in their lifetime.

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